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Founded in 2014 by Freddy Candia-Aguilar, Cocha Pedal has built over a dozen bicimáquinas that have provided creative answers to some of the difficult problems facing the community of Cochabamba.


Our Mission

We strive to find sustainable solutions that provide communities the opportunity to emerge from poverty in Cochabamba, Bolivia. We do this through a collaborative effort, partnering with local NGOs, community organizations, schools, non-profit organizations, and for-profit entities—all with the goal of creating lasting, community-based solutions to the challenges of poverty.

Cochabamba Pedal Project is an excellent example of a social enterprise that is helping local communities solve difficult problems. Their variety of community-relevant bicimáquinas is a testament to their creativity and resourcefulness.
— Audrey, Actuality Media

Our Projects

The First Bicimáquina

Construction of the first bicimáquina, a pedal-powered soap-mixer, was completed with the help of Sustainable BoliviaFundacion SODIS and CECAM Bolivia. It was funded by Soapbox Soaps and was donated to a local school in Tiquipaya, Bolivia.

Click photo for a YouTube video of Freddy testing out the design.

Bicilicuadora aka "Blender Bike"

Volunteers from abroad helped Freddy design and build this pedal-operated blender. Smoothies, anyone?

Click photo for a video "tutorial" from some of our volunteers!

Cargo Bike

Freddy, along with volunteers, built this cargo bike for a Critical Mass Cochabamba event. This particular bike holds special significance for Freddy, referring to it as one of his "best achievements."

Click photo to see a video of our volunteers jammin' with the Cargo Bike before the event.

Pedal-operated Corn De-grainer

This unique design is incredibly helpful for rural families that previously had to de-grain their corn by hand, which is laborious and strenuous on one's hands.

Click photo for YouTube video of this bike machine in action!

Pedal-powered Ice Cream Maker

Who doesn't love ice cream? Our pedal-powered ice cream maker delivers sweet (and sustainable!) treats to folks in Cochabamba!

Click photo for video of this design.

What We've Achieved